
For all of our transactions, Klump employs standard HTTP response codes. The error codes range from the 200s to the 500s. Success is indicated by HTTP response codes in the 2xx range. Depending on the action taken, we will typically send you a 200 or a 201. Those in the 4xx range indicate an error that was not detected based on the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted or access is denied from a resource etc.). Error codes in the 5xx range indicate a problem on our end (we are humans after all). See below:

CodeMeaningWhat actually happened
200OKEverything is fine. You're cleared for take off.
201CreatedEverything is still fine, but this time around, we created a resource for you on our end. We are kind like that.
400Bad RequestOuch! We couldn't accept this request, you omitted a required parameter. Don't break a sweat, reconfirm, again.
401UnauthorizedYou didn't provide a valid API key.
403ForbiddenYou don't have the clearance to perform this action. Play nice, will you?
409ConflictThe request conflicted with another one. There's a high likelihood that we have already treated this request.
429Too Many RequestYou're hitting our API too quickly. Pump your breaks, captain.
5xxServer ErrorWe messed up and we are sorry 😞